Green Map of Alexandria
A guide designed by Banlastic Egypt that aims to strengthen the green Alexandrian network by highlighting all green social enterprises, research centers and youth initiatives that all aim to keep the city green.
Green School Tips
This manual includes some steps that may help you save the environment and instructions to contribute to reducing the effects of climate change.
Who - Where - How ?
Guidance to know the surrounding environment that represents the social environment in which you live, each has its own strengths and abilities that can support a project, when people in one region are connected in a network and cooperate, they can change a lot in the climate file.
Green Map of Alexandria
A guide designed by Banlastic Egypt that aims to strengthen the green Alexandrian network by highlighting all green social enterprises, research centers and youth initiatives that all aim to keep the city green.
Green School Tips
This manual includes some steps that may help you save the environment and instructions to contribute to reducing the effects of climate change.
Creative Writing Workshop Outputs - Justice has terrible faces
Guidance to know the surrounding environment that represents the social environment in which you live, each has its own strengths and abilities that can support a project, when people in one region are connected in a network and cooperate, they can change a lot in the climate file.